We’re all careful, as we shop for new vehicles, to consider the safety and crashworthiness of our cars, trucks and SUV’s. But no matter how safe your vehicle is, the absence of certain equipment on trucks sharing the roadways and inadequate regulations can quickly deem some protective aspects of your own vehicle useless.
“Underride standards haven’t kept pace with improvements in passenger vehicle crashworthiness. Absent regulation, there’s little incentive for manufacturers to improve underride countermeasures.” – Adrian Lund, President of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
At the Carlson Law Firm, our truck accident attorneys in Texas advocate for injured clients and the family members of those killed, providing hope to those whose lives have been forever changed by the inadequacies of trucking manufacturers and companies, faulty regulations and negligent drivers.
Despite the adoption of more stringent regulations within the trucking industry, developed to decrease the severity of Texas 18 wheeler accidents and accompanying injuries and fatalities, hazards still exist, making the drivers of smaller passengers vulnerable.
When a smaller vehicle collides with the rear or side of a truck in an 18 wheeler truck accident, the roof of a car is sometimes completely ripped off, leaving occupants at risk of enduring serious head injuries, neck injuries and injuries to their torso, spine and back. Additionally, sometimes the results of truck underride accidents are fatal, leaving family and friends to shuffle through the details surrounding the tragic accident of a loved one.
Despite improved regulations regarding underride guards on big rigs, recent data highlights the importance of continued safety efforts and requirements. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), new statistics and information gathered in recent analysis reveals that underride guards on 18 wheeler trucks sometimes fail, even in low speed collisions between tractor trailers and passenger vehicles.
When an underride guard fails, the drivers and passengers of smaller vehicles are at risk of experiencing serious injuries as the impact of a rear-end collision crushes the car, smashing it into the occupants’ space. In addition to inadequate underride guards that may not be doing enough to protect occupants during a rear-end collision with a tractor trailer; some underride guards are completely absent from 18 wheeler trucks.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), as many as 423 people occupying passenger vehicles are killed every year as a result of rear-end collisions with large tracks. In addition, NHTSA adds, more than 5,000 drivers and passengers are injured each year when their vehicle strikes the rear of a truck. While statistics surrounding truck accidents are sobering, they also highlight some of the preventable dangers that could reduce the instance of serious injuries and fatalities tied to 18 wheeler truck accidents in Texas if close attention is paid to truck equipment. Continued improvement to a vital piece of truck equipment, like the underride guard, has the potential to save lives.
If you or someone you love has been seriously injured or killed in an 18 wheeler accident, call our truck accident attorneys in Texas at 254-633-2983. You can also contact us online or visit one of our 11 office locations in Waco, Temple, Killeen and throughout central Texas for a free consultation today.
Our team of experienced car accident attorneys, professional medical consultants, private investigators and caring staff will immediately begin gathering evidence to help you uncover answers to some of the questions surrounding your accident or the fatal car accident of a loved one while seeking just compensation for your injuries and loss.
Don’t let another moment pass without an experienced advocate on your side to protect your rights and fight for your recovery. Contact us for a free consultation with a Texas 18 wheeler accident lawyer- we serve accident victims and their families statewide, nationwide and abroad.
No appointment is required during normal business hours, and bilingual staff members are available to assist our Spanish-speaking clients. Se habla español.